Re: denial of service - inetd on solaris 2.4?

Brett Lymn (
Mon, 27 May 1996 13:39:49 +0930

According to Brad Powell:
>You should probably just turn off echo, discard, daytime and chargen
>as well. From the comment in inetd.conf:
># Echo, discard, daytime, and chargen are used primarily for testing.

Careful!  We had a problem booting diskless 4.1.3 clients from a
Solaris 2.3 box when the discard service was disabled.  It was a very
strange problem where the client would not boot when powered up but if
you manually interrupted it and tried again then it would work.  From
my notes it looks like the client would send out a tftp request but
get back a icmp dest unreachable reply from the server.  When we put
the discard service back in the clients booted fine.  I don't know if
this was specific to 2.3....

Brett Lymn, Computer Systems Administrator, AWA Defence Industries
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